The Longs color palette is minimal and efficient. The Longs logo will always appear in either Longs Red, black or white. With the use of the supporting brand palette the our message is able to fit any scenario and remain refreshing to our customer.
Hex 101010
Longs Red
Hex CC0022
Primary Brand Colors
Longs Drugs maintains consistency through the use of these core colors and fundamental elements.
The Longs Gradient
This gradient palette was created to invoke the beauty, calmness and greenery of the Hawaiian landscape. Not only can this gradient be found inside our redesign and revitalized stores, but it is a key player in the modern messaging of the brand.
Supporting palette
The supporting palette of Navy and Yellow, along with their associated tint and shade, evoke the history of the brand and its future as they not only remind the viewer of the Longs yellow pages, but also the core color of the new parent company, CVS Health®.
Secondary palette
The secondary palette, along with their associated tint and shade, give us the ability to remain flexible and fresh in the visual messaging of the brand so our customers have the best experience possible. The palette is inspired by the colors that can naturally be found around the islands of Hawaii.